The ToneWay® Project: helping people play music


Take Me Home – The Luke Abbott Solo Album

“I love your's taken over my life.” –Jacob
“Your voice is at one with your instruments in a way that is very rare.” –Pam
“Wow! It's incredible. Deep and haunting and interesting...amazing.” –Gail
“Your music is as GOOD and satisfying as lovemaking! Goosebumps!” –Ella
“Good lord, Luke. That's great stuff.” –Kathy
“One of the few albums that I have enjoyed from front to back in a really long time.” –Snap
“It keeps getting better every time I play it...or is it my ear just hearing more depth each time?” –Ralph

Just me, an instrument, and a microphone, singing centuries-old traditional songs. To keep things interesting, most songs have been arranged in ways I haven’t heard before, while still paying homage to their mountain roots. This album was recorded “live” with no overdubbing in the spring of 2010. Enjoy, Luke

Samples available below. Song stories here.

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