The ToneWay® Project: helping people play music

Old Account Settled

There was a time on earth, when in the book of heaven
An 4 old account was 1 standing for 2 sins yet unfor- 5 given
My 1 name was at the top, and many things below
I 4 went unto the 1 Keeper, and 5 settled long a 1 go

Long a 5 go (down on my knees) long a 1 go (I settled it all)
Yes, the old account was settled long a 5 go (hallelujah!)
And the 1 record's clear today, for He 4 washed my sins a 1 way
When the old account was 5 settled long a 1 go

The old account was large, and growing every day
For I was always sinning, and never tried to pay
But when I looked ahead, and saw such pain and woe
I said that I would settle, I settled long ago

When in that happy home, my Savior's home above
I'll sing redemption's story, and praise Him for His love
I'll not forget that book, with pages white as snow
Because I came and settled, and settled long ago

O sinner, trust the Lord, be cleansed of all your sin
For thus He hath provided for you to enter in
And then if you should live a hundred years below
Up there you'll not regret it, you settled long ago

A song from the The ToneWay Mountain Music Collection, which offers lyrics and free Song Clips (recordings for learning the song by ear) for nearly 400 traditional songs, many of which are often heard in bluegrass and old-time jam circles. The ToneWay Project also offers songbooks, CDs, and a free online video series for learning to play music by ear.