The ToneWay® Project: helping people play music

Over the Garden Wall

My love stood under a walnut tree
5 Over the garden 1 wall
She whispered and said she'd be true to me
5 Over the garden 1 wall
She has 5 beautiful eyes and beautiful hair
She's not very tall so she stood on a 1 chair
4 Many a time I 1 kissed her there
Over the 5 garden 1 wall

Over the garden 5 wall, The sweetest girl of all
There never were yet, such 1 eyes of jet
And 4 you can bet, I'll never for- 1 get
The 4 night our lips in kisses 1 met
Over the 5 garden 1 wall

There's always a will, there's always a way
Over the garden wall
There's always the night as well as the day
Over the garden wall
We hadn't much money, but weddings were cheap
So while the old feller was snoring asleep
With a lad and a ladder she managed to creep
Over the garden wall

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A song from the The ToneWay Mountain Music Collection, which offers lyrics and free Song Clips (recordings for learning the song by ear) for nearly 400 traditional songs, many of which are often heard in bluegrass and old-time jam circles. The ToneWay Project also offers songbooks, CDs, and a free online video series for learning to play music by ear.