The ToneWay® Project: helping people play music

When He Reached Down His Hand for Me

Once my soul was astray from the 5 heavenly 1 way
I was wretched and 5 vile as could 1 be
But my Savior in love, gave me 4 peace from a 1 bove
When he reached down His 5 hand for 1 me

When the Savior reached 4 down for me
When he reached down His 2 hand for 5 me
I was 1 lost and undone, without 4 God or His 1 Son
When he reached down His 5 hand for 1 me

I was near to despair when He came to me there
And He showed me that I could be free
Then He lifted my feet, gave me gladness complete
When He reached down His hand for me

How my heart doth rejoice when I hear His sweet voice
And the tempest to Him I can flee
There to lean on His arms, safe secure from all harm
Since he reached down his hand for me

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A song from the The ToneWay Mountain Music Collection, which offers lyrics and free Song Clips (recordings for learning the song by ear) for nearly 400 traditional songs, many of which are often heard in bluegrass and old-time jam circles. The ToneWay Project also offers songbooks, CDs, and a free online video series for learning to play music by ear.